Brainly Scraper V2 - v2.2.8


This library retrieves data from Brainly that has been designed to avoid 403 Forbidden exception.

To avoid such errors, you can fill in a valid country code. You can test the 10 languages or country codes available to see if your server hosting country location or location is rejected.


💉 Installation

  • Using NPM : npm install brainly-scraper-v2
  • Using YARN : yarn add brainly-scraper-v2

📜 How to use

WARNING: Make sure the country code you entered in the constructor is correct.

  • Code
const { Brainly } = require("brainly-scraper-v2");
// You should do '.initialize()' for 1st time (v2.1.0 - higher)

const brain = new Brainly("id"); // 'id' - Default to 'id'

// You can do
brain.searchWithMT("Pythagoras", "es").then(console.log).catch(console.error);
// Or (You need to enter correctly country code in the constructor)."Pythagoras", "es").then(console.log).catch(console.error);
  • Output
question: {
id: 5070014,
content: 'Pythagoras nació en el año 580 a.c y murió en el año 501. ¿Que edad tenia Pythagoras Cúando murió?',
closed: true,
created: [Object],
attachments: [],
author: [Object],
education: 'matematicas',
education_level: undefined,
canBeAnswered: true,
points_answer: [Object],
points_question: 10,
grade: 'Secundaria',
lastActivity: '2020-09-22T00:22:19.000Z',
verifiedAnswer: true
answers: [ [Object] ]
}, { ... }

⏱ Changelogs

You can check the changelogs on the GitHub Releases Page

⚙️ Issues and Bugs

If you have problems using this library, you can create an issue in the github repository. Remember, don't forget to read the instructions and try.

✍️ Contributions

Do you want to contribute with this library for the better? Very well, fork this github repository then install dependencies to your directory. Happy coding 😁

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