
  • Author


answerStreak?: {
    canLotteryPointsBeClaimed: boolean;
    pointForTommorow: number;
    pointsForToday: number;
    progress: number;
    progressIncreasedToday: boolean;

Type declaration

  • canLotteryPointsBeClaimed: boolean
  • pointForTommorow: number
  • pointsForToday: number
  • progress: number
  • progressIncreasedToday: boolean
avatarUrl?: string

The author's avatar url.

bestAnswers: {
    InLast30Days: number;
    count: number;

Type declaration

  • InLast30Days: number
  • count: number
bestAnswersCount: number
databaseId: number
friendsCount: number
gender: string

The author's gender.

helpedUsersCount: number
id: string

The author's ID (author identifier).

points: number

The author's points.

questions: {
    count: number;
    data: AuthorQuestionData[];

Type declaration

rank: string

The author's rank.

receivedThanks: number

The author's thank you points.

specialRanks: string[]
username?: string

The author's username.

Generated using TypeDoc v0.23.16