The question.


  • Question


attachments: Attachments

The question attachments, it could be an empty array!

author?: Author

The questioner, it could be undefined.

canBeAnswered: boolean

Can we answer the question?

closed: boolean
content: string

The question contents.

Question created time.

databaseId: number

Database ID

education: string

Question's lesson category.

educationLevel?: number
grade: string

The question's grade level

id: string

Question ID

lastActivity?: string

Last activity.

pointsAnswer: {
    forBest: number;
    normal: number;

If we answer the question, how many points will we receive?

Type declaration

  • forBest: number
  • normal: number
pointsQuestion: number

Points issued by the questioner.

similars: Question[]

Similar questions

verifiedAnswer: boolean

This question is have verified answer?

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